Thursday, April 30, 2009

Burning Toe

So I went out for my 10 miles yesterday... tough one... my toe started burning part way through.  Too much... much more than usual... and much more on the giant hills.

So I turned around and ran back home... I ran for a solid hour, so probably about 6 miles.

So total running debt is: 2+4 miles:  6 miles!  Oh boy oh boy... :-(

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wednesday Update

I went to the gym after work yesterday... supposed to do 4.5... legs were really stiff and given I'm doing 10 today, I just did an really easy 2.5 then stretched a lot. I figured I can walk two miles for my cross training on Thursday.

Here's to a 10 miler... that will be the longest I've run in over a year!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Revamping the Plan

More like catching up to the plan actually... so after a surprise birthday trip to Vegas, combined with a stressful last week... I did my version of a sunday nine mile run (7.5 hill run + 1 mi walking cool down) on Thursday night, and then was wisked away to Vegas until late Sunday night. Lots of walking and running but no dancing...

So yesterday I sat down to play catch up with my Hal Higdon plan and I'm going to post it to keep myself more accountable. Due to a quick scheduling break yesterday, I only did 3.5 instead of 5, so I'll make that up today...

Tues 4/28: 4.5 mi
Wed. 4/29: 10 mi
Thurs 4/30: easy XT
Fri 5/1: 3 mi
Sat 5/2: Rest
Sun 5/3: 5 mi
Mon 5/4: 3 mi
Tues 5/5: 7 mi
Wed 5/6: easy XT
Thurs 5/7: 4 mi
Fri 5/8: 6 mi
Sat 5/9: 3 mi
Sun 5/10: 12 mi

Then picking up with 8 of the Hal Higdon Novice I Plan!

Oh boy oh boy...

Monday, April 6, 2009

7 mile Sunday!

I was a little sore after the Cap10K combined with a busy week and slacked a little. Friday, I had a client cancel so I was able to make it home and take the dog out for just under 30 minutes and just under 3 miles. My calves were tight the first 2 miles then finally loosened. Funny how it took a run to make them not sore. I need to make a mental note of that one!!!

So this weekend we had 7 miles scheduled. We're moving Hal's schedule one day over since Sundays are much better long run days for us.

We headed down to beautiful Town Lake and went on the 6.9 mile loop. We ran all the way out, stopped and stretched and got water (Austin is awesome and the runnning have water coolers set up!) walked about 5-10 minutes than ran the rest of the way back. We did probably a little under a 10 minute mile pace. T is working on his breathing and being able to pace.

Today we are doing an hour of XT, which means I get to sit on the bike and read for an hour. Pretty excited about that!

Here's to a happy running week!